

Once upon a time at secondary school I did some patchwork in a sewing lesson. Quite simple really – nine squares cut and hand sewn together and then another nine squares , then all sewn together to make a simple drawstring bag. However  there was a problem – despite carefully cutting out squares and sewing carefully together, nothing was quite straight and so my nine squares were wonky…..

It put me off patchwork for a long, long time ….until a few years ago I stumbled across Soulemama‘s blog and learnt about wonky log cabins and quilting as you go. It was a revelation! Since then I have made my sons a quilt each. First a wonky log cabin  and then inspired by Soulemama’s string quilt, a string quilt for son number two. Although they both took a while I was really pleased with the results. Soulemama had taken the pressure off – wonky was OK!



So this week inspired by various pictures of hexagon quilts on Pinterest and elsewhere  I thought I’d try a new skill….

So I carefully printed out some hexagons

Orchard fruit hexies (2)

carefully cut them outOrchard fruit hexies (3)


chose some fabric

and following this tutorial carefully started stitching



I carefully sewed the outer six together ready to put the centre one…

Orchard fruit hexies (1)

It was wonky and so ….

…..  is there such a thing as wonky hexagon piecing?










4 thoughts on “Wonky…..”

  1. Hello! You can get plastic templates to cut around, which are usually a little more accurate than printing or drawing your own (I tried and it didn’t work!) You might find it a little easier to ‘piece’ by making your fabric hexagons a little bit larger than they look here, and work from the middle out, rather than creating an outer border and leaving a gap in the middle. If you’re feeling super lazy, you can get pre cut paper pieces, but they work out quite costly unless you remove hexagons as you go and reuse the paper templates. Once you get going it’s quite addictive isn’t it? Your stripy quilt is gorgeous, and I love the colours for your english paper piecing 🙂


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